reThink Success is a Strategic Business Counseling practice
Principles and Associates at reThink Success will guide you through a systematic sequence of exercises and disciplines, exclusive to reThink Success, called reThink reAlign reDesign for Success. Each Phase lays the foundation for achieving optimal levels of business excellence and effectiveness as well as the foundation for the next Phase of development. When combined, this powerful three-phase journey helps you navigate the path to greater profit margins, optimal organizational dynamics, stronger market presence, and ultimately, long term revenue growth. We don't use cookie cutter solutions and tell you they're "made for your business." We are counselors not consultants. We provide you with the tools. We guide you through each step, each exercise, each discovery, each assessment - but you make the deicisons, you define the direction, you set the vision, you commit the resources, and you enjoy increased profitability for years to come.
Principles and Associates at reThink Success will guide you through a systematic sequence of exercises and disciplines, exclusive to reThink Success, called reThink reAlign reDesign for Success. Each Phase lays the foundation for achieving optimal levels of business excellence and effectiveness as well as the foundation for the next Phase of development. When combined, this powerful three-phase journey helps you navigate the path to greater profit margins, optimal organizational dynamics, stronger market presence, and ultimately, long term revenue growth. We don't use cookie cutter solutions and tell you they're "made for your business." We are counselors not consultants. We provide you with the tools. We guide you through each step, each exercise, each discovery, each assessment - but you make the deicisons, you define the direction, you set the vision, you commit the resources, and you enjoy increased profitability for years to come.
reThinking a situation, solutions, objectives and actions is not only an essential component to achieving and sustaining success - it is the foundational component. This single phase facilitation of discovery and planning typically spans a 3 week period.
Through the reAlign phase, your business will be transformed into the machine necessary to achieve your goals. Whether the transformation is drastic or subtle, is determined by you and your discoveries through reThinking. Waste is eliminated, operational workflow is optimized, organizational designs are revisited, and an overlay of Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence reveals further opportunities to blow away the competition. This Phase, combined with the prerequisite reThink Phase, typically spans 12 weeks.
The reDesign Phase is where the rubber meets the road. Systematic, strategic roll-out and execution of plans, processes, culture, restructuring, messaging, etc. It can be a delicate matter - but without precise and complete implementation, that permiates all levels of the organization, the best of plans can fail. The key is in the culture. We'll guide you through the process of gaining buy-in from stakeholders at every level. Change needs to embraced to permiate your business and it doesn't happen by accident. This Phase, combined with prerequisite reThink and reAlign Phases, typically span a 9 month period.
Perfect for entrepreneurs just getting their business off the ground. In today's economy, there is little room for misteps. Get your business going in the right direction from day one with advice and direction that can save you thousands (or millions) in the long run.
training events
Schedule Dawn Shrum or another reThink Success counselor to speak at an upcoming event. Usually the first step and effective method beginning the shift of corporate culture to more successful thinking